Port of Call Information

Port of Call Information

Roseau, Dominica

Average Yearly High Temperature in Fahrenheit (&degF)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
77 77 77 78 80 81 81 81 81 79 79 78


Roseau is the capital of Dominica and exports lime juice, limes, oils, tropical vegetables and spices. Located on the west coast of Dominica, the city consist of fancy colonial architecture. It gained its independence from the United Kingdom in 1978. Abundant vegetation and forests blanket the mountain terrain. With over 365 rivers, streams, and waterfalls, Roseau is a sight to see.

Things to Do

Enjoy the luscious green Botanical Gardens. You will encounter many different types of plants, trees and flowers that this place has to offer. Very nutrient enriched, these plants thrive all year around.

The Roseau Museum shows the cultural and natural history of Roseau. The museum is a must to see if you want to learn the true history of Roseau.
