Port of Call Information

Port of Call Information

Ravenna, Italy

Average Yearly High Temperature in Fahrenheit (&degF)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
37 42 48 55 62 67 73 73 68 59 48 39


The port of Ravenna is a large port which offers services to all kinds of goods. Ravenna is the leader for various products and markets in Italy and is considered one of the main ports. The Ravenna port is always trying to improve the infrastructure for public and private investments to reach superb quality standards.

Things to Do

Places to visit in Ravenna are the National Museum of Ravenna which houses archaeological objects from the early Byzantine and Christian eras such as ceramics, armory, and tapestries.

The Basilica San Vitale is the biggest and most sumptuous of all the nearby churches. The shape of the basilica is octagon, therefore its shape is different from classic basilica shapes. Beautiful artwork everywhere you look which makes this a very prestige cathedral.
